Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well hi there!  (If anyone still bothers to read this after such a hiatus)  Sorry to have been away so long - although not sorry since a good chunk of the time away was spent on vacation, baby!  (Well, okay, it was only a week - but still - vacation, baby!)

My whole, huge family - 27 in all, which includes the 13 grandkids - 12 of which are 7 or younger, four of which are two and three of which are one...Ha! Seriously, it was really a vacation.  Big hawge house on the beach, big week-long party for kids and adults alike.  And now I will bore you with some pictures.  Because I can.

There was a pink piano (that's Pixie pretending that she can play)

There were attempts at golf (Wonderboy doesn't quite have the hang of it yet...)

There were several nights of dress-up.  Because really, what better time is there to wear your tutu or Ariel costume if not on vacation?


And don't think the boys didn't join in as well!  WB likes to mix things up a bit, combining Iron Man and Pirates.


And there were sunsets like this.  Sigh.

Oh!  And matching t-shirts.  Hello, adorableness!

I took over 900 pictures, so really, you should be thankful that you only have to look at these!  And now it's back to reality - man, what a drag.  Will try to catch up with everyone soon!